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I'm Dr Meera Nevis

Associate Dentist
Dentist with an interest in Oral Medicine
BDS (India) MDS (India) MFDS RCS (Glasgow)
GDC No. 167575
I qualified as a dentist in 1996 and worked as a Paediatric (children’s) dentist before obtaining further dental qualifications by completing a Master’s Degree (MDS) in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology in 2002.
Following my graduation as an Oral Pathologist, I worked as a Specialist in Oral Pathology, becoming a Lecturer, Reader and then an Associate Professor in various dental schools in the UK and overseas.
In 2008, I passed the International Qualifying Examination in the UK and became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDS).
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