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Root Canal

Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatment (endodontics) is used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth, often saving a tooth that might otherwise need to be removed.


Teeth are living parts of the body. They comprise of a hard outer covering of enamel, a softer material under this called dentine and a nerve and blood supply to the tooth. This nerve can become inflamed resulting in sensitivity, toothache and/or a dental abscess. Root canal treatment is required when the damage to the nerve is irreversible. It is necessary to clean out the space where the nerve lies and to seal that space to prevent further infection or inflammation. Commonly the nerve is damaged due to trauma (a blow), tooth decay, gum disease, tooth wear or abrasion/erosion.


How we perform root canal treatment

Before having root canal treatment, you’ll usually be given a local anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable. Root canal treatment can take a number of visits depending on how complex the shape of the nerve canal system is or how soon the infection settles. Treatment is usually carried out under a dental rubber dam to protect the tooth from bacterial recolonisation from the saliva. There are several techniques used to clean and shape root canals, which involve using fine metal instruments called files. After the bacteria have been removed, the root canal is filled and the tooth sealed with a filling or crown; your dentist will determine the best option for your tooth.

© 2025 by Sapphire Dental Ltd. Last updated on 14th January 2025

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